Which toiletries can you take in your hand luggage?
When you travel, you always prefer to take your own toiletries with you. This way, you have all your favorite products at hand, even when you are in a foreign country. Are you flying with hand luggage only? Then there are a number of guidelines for the toiletries that you are allowed to take with you. This has to do with liquids. It is therefore useful to look at these rules in advance before you pack your suitcase.
Handy to do with hand luggage toiletries:
It may happen that if you do not adhere to these rules, you will have to throw away your toiletries. It would be a shame if you had to throw away your expensive luxury perfume because of this. Of course, this does not apply to items that you have purchased after customs. It only applies to the items that you have brought from home in your hand luggage. By reading up on it, you will be well prepared for your trip and you will know for sure that you can take everything with you to the country of destination. In order to get through security quickly, it is wise to take your bag with your toiletries out of your suitcase so that you can put them directly on the belt. For example, you can put the bag in your handbag or backpack. This will save you a lot of time and effort at the airport.
Pack your toiletries properly
In addition to the rules regarding the amount of liquids you are allowed to take with you, you should also pack and transport your toiletries in the correct manner. The items should preferably be placed in a small bag that can be closed properly. In many cases, these are transparent plastic bags with a ziplock closure. This closure is sturdy and will not simply open during the trip. Because the bags are made of plastic, other items will not get dirty or wet if the products should leak. It is also nice for yourself to have all the liquids together so that you do not have to worry about leaking products during the trip. This also saves time when unpacking your suitcase when you have reached your destination. Now that you know how to pack your toiletries, we will look at the quantities you are allowed to take with you and how many bags you are allowed to take per person.
Look carefully at the number of milliliters per product
If you want to take liquids with you on the plane, you should take into account that this may not be more than 100 milliliters per product. However, this only applies to care products and not to medicines or baby food. Now you can buy small travel bottles yourself and pour your favorite shampoo or shower gel into them, or you can buy minis at the drugstore. You often pay more money for minis, which makes it cheaper to pour the products into travel bottles. When doing this, pay close attention to the number of milliliters indicated on the packaging. You can then provide the bottles yourself with a sticker so that you know exactly which product is in which bottle. When you buy small travel bottles, you often also receive a travel bag. The size of the travel bag is then also large enough. All your toiletries should fit in it. Your toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, liquid make-up, shower gel and perfume should all be stored in the plastic bag.
Be well prepared for your trip
During your holiday, you would prefer to continue using your own familiar items. Fortunately, you can take these items with you, provided you pour them into a travel bottle or buy the product as a mini. Do you want to take more products with you on your trip? Then you can choose to check in a large suitcase. When you fly with only hand luggage, you must adhere to the rules for liquids. The advantage of a plastic bag for your toiletries is that you can keep everything together in an organized manner. The contents of the bag may not exceed 1 liter. Each person may take one bag of 1 liter. Do you want to take more yourself, but does your traveling companion still have extra space? Then you can always divide the contents over the two bags. That way you can still take everything with you on your trip. You can also take a telephone bag with you in which you can still put something extra. Keep in mind that the same rules apply on the return flight. It can be tempting to buy extra items on your trip. First check whether you can take these items back to the Netherlands. That way you can travel safely with your toiletries hand luggage.